Welcome to the web pages of
Arkadiusz Jadczyk
Selected Publications
- Relativistic Quantum Events
- Quantum Jumps, EEQT and the Five Platonic Fractals
- EEQT, Quantum Jumps and Quantum Fractals
- HTML online version of "Time of Events"
- Topics in Quantum Dynamics
- Vanishing Vierbein
- On Berry's phase
- Bibliography of EEQT
Critical Essays
- Principia Physica or Caveat Emptor?
- Critical notes on Hoagland and Bearden
- Critical notes on Val Valerian's "Matrix III"
- Critical Notes on Tom Bearden and Richard Hoagland - NOTES on AIAS
- Data for page on "Heretical Verities" by T. Phipps
- Non random is interesting ....
- Does Lorentz Force "pop out" from the Lie derivative?
- Jacques Vallee
- Bogdanovs affair - aka Baez Hoax
Quantum Future Project
- Towards the theory of matter, geometry and information
- Bioelektronika
w oczach fizyka teoretyka (in Polish
- Quantum Future - Introduction
- Quantum Future History and Credits
- Quantum Future Metaphysics
- Quantum Future Physics
- Quantum Future Extracts
- Quantum Fractals
- Quantum Future Institute - the dream
Documents in Polish
- Świat na krawędzi katastrofy? Drogi przeobrażen
cywilizacji. Pytania od Janusza Zagórskiego.(in
- Flood
1997 (Powodz
- Bioelektronika
w oczach fizyka teoretyka (in Polish
Other Essays
Documents from the Past
- My first scientific visit abroad - CNRS Marseille - documentfrom the past
- Another
document from the past - visit to CERN
in 1985 - 1996 Humbold Prize - Interview - Extracts
from Bielefelder Universitätszeitung (in German
- X-th Max Born Symposium
- Jadczyk Consulting
- Posts to sci.physics.research
- Guest Book (non-functional)