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Jadczyk Consulting, Inc. - Scientific Research and Development


Time-reversal symmetry violation, anomalous gravi-magnetic phenomena, mathematics of alternative propulsion, nonsymmetric unified field theories, modelling of quantum systems, quantization of geometry, fast fourier transform, time domain filtering, noise reduction, statistical analysis of noisy data, wavelet transform, monte carlo modelling, modelling and computing with Mathematica, Maple, MatLab, MathCad, Reduce, advanced calculus techniques. (see publication list)

Software for handheld gamma spectrometer, nondestructive assay of nuclear materials, spectral shape recognition, reading undocumented data formats, software development with C, Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, Visual Basic, desktop nuclear databases, MS Access, Paradox, HTML Report (see, for instance, International Conference on Security of Nuclear Material and Radioactive Sources, Stockholm 2001 - link to "Decompositional Techniques". Also here)


Spinors, Twistors, Quaternions, Grassmann and Clifford Algebras
Quantum Jumps, Quantum Tunnelling, Quantum Holonomy, Open Systems
Spontaneaous Localization, GRW, Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics
SQUIDs, Quantum Feedback, Quantum Communications, Information Transfer
Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes, Quantum Chaos, Quantum Fractals
Pattern Formation in Nonlinear Systems
Alternative Theories of Electromagnetism and Gravitation
Hyperdimensional models, Kaluza-Klein Theories, Torsion and Finsler Geometry
Magnetic Monopoles, Faster Than Light Signalling, Space-Time Logic
von Neumann Algebras, Quantum Logic
Space-Time Geometry, Geometrical Quantization


Contractor for Constellation Technology Corporation, June 1998 -2001
Professor (full), Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, October 1990 - 2002
Associate Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, March 1986 - October 1990
Assistant Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, October 1970 - March 1986


Professor (ordinary, title) 1987
Professor (extraordinary, title) 1982

Dr. Hab., Wroclaw University, May 1977
Ph.D., theoretical physics, Wroclaw University, March 1970
B. Sc, M.A. with High Distinction, theoretical physics, Wroclaw University, February 1968


Speaks: Polish, Russian; Technical reading: German, French


  • 10/1997 - 6/1998 Department of Mathematics, University of Florida
  • 2-4/1997 Department of Mathematics, University of Florida
  • 6/1995-2/1996 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of Bielefeld (Humboldt Award)
  • 3-6/1995 Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
  • 7-9/1994 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of Bielefeld (DFG grant)
  • 6-7/1994 Schrodinger Institute, Wien (visiting professor)
  • 3-5/1994 Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto (JSPS fellowship)
  • 3-5/1993 Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.)
  • 10-12/1993 Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, University of Marseille (EEG grant)
  • 6-8/1993 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of Bielefeld (Humboldt grant)
  • 3-4/1992 Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.)
  • 5-6/1992 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of Bielefeld (Humboldt grant)
  • 3-6/1991 Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.) '
  • 6-10/1991 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of Bielefeld (DFG and Humboldt grant)
  • 5-7/1990 Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Florence (CNR vis, prof.)
  • 2-5/1990 Center de Physique Theorique, CNRS Marseille (CNRS vis. prof.)
  • 3-10/1989 Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, University of Marseille (CNRS vis. prof.)
  • 2/1989 Arnold Sommerfeld Institute, Technical University of Clausthal (Humboldt grant)
  • 9/-12/1988 Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, University of Marseille (vis. prof.)
  • 5-7/1988 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of Bielefeld, University of Bielefeld (DFG grant)
  • 3-4/1988 Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.)
  • 9/1987 Arnold Sommerfeld Institute, University of Clausthal (Humboldt grant)
  • 9/1987 2 Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg (viss. prof.)
  • 5-7/1987 Department of Mathematics, University of Roma (vis. prof.)
  • 8-10/1986 Deutsche Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), University of Hamburg (vis. prof.)
  • 6-7/1985 II Institute of Theoretical Physics, Hamburg (vis. prof.)
  • 9-10/1985 CERN Geneve (guest scientist)
  • 5-8/1984 Center de Physique Theorique, CNRS Marseille (vis. prof.)
  • 10-11/1984 CERN Geneve (guest scientist)
  • 10-12/1982 CERN Geneve (guest scientist)
  • 1-10/1981 Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Goettingen (vis. prof.)
  • 3-6/1980 II Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg (vis. prof.)
  • 1-12/1976 II Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg (1 year - Humboldt grant)
  • 6-9/1975 Institute of Theoretical Physics, SUNY, Stony Brook, LI (NSF grant)


  • Head - Division of Complex Systems and Nonlinear Mechanics, University of Wroclaw (1997-1998)
  • Director - Xth Max Born Symposium "Quantum Future" (1997)
  • V-ce Director - Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw. (1978-1984, 1991-1993)
  • Director - Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics "Fields and Geometry" (1983)


Algebra and Geometry (including computer assisted linear algebra)
Mathematical Analysis (including computer assisted Calculus)
Differential equations (ordinary and partial)
Riemannian Geometry
Relativity (special and general)
Quantum Mechanics
Methods of Mathematical Physics: (including: measure and probability, Fourier, Laplace and other integral trandforms, functional analysis, differential equations, generalized functions, analytic functions, etc.; also: computer assisted)
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory



Quantum Future. From Volta and Como to the Present and Beyond, (Ed.) Springer 5erlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1999
Riemannian Geometry, Fiber Bundles, Kaluza-Klein Theories and all that .., World Scientific, Singapore (1988) 345 p.
Fields and Geometry
, (Ed) World Scientific, Singapore (1986) 675p

PUBLICATIONS (for details see List of Publications )

papers in

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
Annalen der Physics (Leipzig)
Annals of Physics (NY)
Annales d'Institut Henri Poincare
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Foundations of Physics
Helvetica Physica Acta
International Journal of Theoretical Physics
Journal of Geometry and Physics
Journal of Physics A
Letters in Mathematical Physics
Journal of Statistical Physics
Nuclear Physics B
Physica D - Nonlinear Phenomena
Nuovo Cimento B
Physics Letters A
Progress in Theoretical Physics
Reports on Mathematical Physics
Reviews in Mathematical Physics
(see also

conference proceedings on:

Advances in Dynamical Systems and Quantum Physics
Chaos - the Interplay Between Stochastic and Deterministic Behaviour
Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics
Foundations of Modern Physics
Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
General Relativity
Infinite Dimensional Geometry, Non Commutative Geometry, Operator Algebras, Fundamental Interactions
Mysteries, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Quantum mechanics
Nonlinear, Deformed and Irreversible Quantum Systems
Open Systems and Measurement in Relativistic Quantum Theory
Quantum Communications and Measurement
Quantum Future
Quantum Groups
Quantum Theory of Particles and Fields
Spinors, twistors, Clifford algebras and quantum deformations
Stochastic Processes, Physics and Geometry
Stochasticity and Quantum Chaos
Supersymmetry and Supergravity
Superunification and Extra Dimensions


Humboldt Foundation Award for research: 1995
Polish Ministry of Science and Education for scientific acievements: 1970,1976,1985,1990,1996
Polish Academy of Sciences for scientific achievements: 1972,1973
Polish Ministry of Science and Education for excellence in teaching: 1980
First Award of the Student Association for excellent teaching: 1983,1984,1985

Last modified on: June 27, 2005.
