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1. Complex projective plane serves as a canvas

Pure states of the quantum spin (we are discussing spin $1/2$ here) are described by unit vectors in our Hilbert space $\Cset^2$. But, as it is standard in quantum theory, proportional vectors describe the same state - the overall phase of the vector has no physical significance. Therefore, in geometrical terms, the set of all pure states is nothing but the projective complex space $\mathbb {P}_1(\Cset)$ which happens to be the same as the sphere $S^2.$ That is why the fractal pattern, in our case, is being drawn on a spherical canvas. There is, however, another possible interpretation of the same algorithm. It is well know that there is an intrinsic relation between Minkowski space and the space of $2\times 2$ complex Hermitean matrices. [*] In coordinates the map is given by
p=\{p^\mu\}\mapsto \FMslash{p}\doteq p^\mu\sigma_\mu =
\pmatrix{p^0+p^3,&p^1-{\mathrm{i}}p^2\cr p^1+{\mathrm{i}}p^2,&p^0-p^3}
\end{displaymath} (18)

so that $\mathrm{det}(\FMslash{p})=p^2=p^\mu p_\mu .$ In particular our projection operators $P({\bf r})$, ${\bf r}^2=1$ correspond to null directions. In other words our canvas, the sphere $S^2$, can be also thought of as the projective light cone - the space of light directions. Quantum jumps would then correspond to sudden changes of directions of light or light-like entities. The formula ([*]) can be easily generalized for $P({\bf r})$ being a generic Hermitean matrix (thus representing a four-vector $p$ of space- or time-like character as well. However there is no such generalization for the formula ([*]), so that the probabilities would have to be assigned equal, and a physical interpretation, even tentative one, is missing in such a case.
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