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Up: Quantum Jumps, EEQT and
Previous: 10. Detectors
- 1
- Carmichael, H.: An open systems approach to quantum
optics, Lecture Notes in Physics m 18, Springer Verlag, Berlin
- 2
- Dalibard, J. , Castin, Y. and Mølmer K.: `
Wave-function approach to dissipative processes in quantum
optics', Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) 580-583
- 3
- Mølmer, K., Castin, Y. and Dalibard, J.:
`Monte Carlo wave-function method in quantum optics',
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 10 (1993) 524-538
- 4
- Dum, R., Zoller, P. and Ritsch, H.: `Monte Carlo
simulation of the atomic master equation for spontaneous
emission', Phys. Rev. A 45 (1992) 4879-4887
- 5
- Blanchard, Ph., and Jadczyk, A.:
"Event-Enhanced-Quantum Theory and Piecewise Deterministic
Dynamics", Ann. der Physik 4 (1995) 583-599,
(A review paper. Here a rough idea of the proof
of the uniqueness of the PDP is sketched for the first time. The
idea came from my discussions, in June and July 1994, with Heidi
Narnhoffer at the Schrödinger Institute, Wien.)
- 6
- Blanchard, Ph. and Jadczyk, A. : "On the
Interaction Between Classical and Quantum Systems", Phys.
Lett. A 175 (1993), 157-164 (The very first paper,
describing the method of coupling of a quantum and of a classical
system via dynamical semigroup. At that time we didn't yet know
about piecewise deterministic processes.)
- 7
- Blanchard, Ph. and Jadczyk, A.: "Strongly coupled
quantum and classical systems and Zeno's effect", Phys. Lett.
A 183 (1993) 272-276, hep-th/9309112
(Here, for the
first time, piecewise deterministic process describing individual
systems is being mentioned. We wrote: " To the Liouville equation
describing the time evolution of statistical states of
we will be in position to associate a piecewise
deterministic process taking values in the set of pure states of
. Knowing this process one can answer all kinds of
questions about time correlations of the events as well as
simulate the behaviour of individual quantum-classical systems.
Let us emphasize that nothing more can be expected from a theory
without introducing some explicit dynamics of hidden variables.
What we achieved is the maximum of what can be achieved, which is
more than orthodox interpretation gives. There are also no
paradoxes; we cannot predict, but we can simulate the behaviour of
individual systems." At that time we didn't yet know under what
conditions our PDP is unique. That is why we used the term
"associated" with the Liouville equation, rather than "derived".)
- 8
- Jadczyk, A.: ``Topics in Quantum Dynamics",
in Proc. First Caribb. School of Math. and Theor. Phys.,
Saint-Francois-Guadeloupe 1993, Infinite Dimensional
Geometry, Noncommutative Geometry, Operator Algebras and
Fundamental Interactions, ed. R.Coquereaux et al., World
Scientific, Singapore 1995, hep-th/9406204
( A review paper.
Describes the PDP process. States the problem: "How to determine
state of an individual quantum system?" Describes a process on
which later was adapted for generation of quantum fractals.)
- 9
- Jadczyk, A.: ``Particle Tracks, Events and Quantum
Theory", Progr. Theor. Phys. 93 (1995), 631-646,
(A model of particle tracks using a continuous
medium of detectors. Gives GRW "spontaneous localization" model as
a particular case.)
- 10
- Blanchard, Ph., and Jadczyk, ``Relativistic Quantum Events",
Found. Phys 26 (1996) 1669-1681, quant-ph/9610028
- 11
- Blanchard, Ph., Jadczyk, A., " EEQT a way out
of the quantum trap", In Open Systems and Measurement in
Relativistic Quantum Theory , Breuer, H.-P., Petruccione,
F.,(Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, 1999,
(A review paper. With FAQ on EEQT.)
- 12
- von Neumann, John: Mathematical Foundations
of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1955
- 13
- Davis, M. H. A. : Lectures on Stochastic
Control and Nonlinear Filtering, Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1984
(This is where we have
learned for the first time about the use of piecewise
deterministic processs (PDP))
- 14
- Davis, M. H. A. : Markov models and optimization,
Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability, Chapman and
Hall, London 1993
- 15
- Barnsley, M. F. : Fractals everywhere, Academic Press, San
Diego 1988 (The main textbook reference on Iterated Function
- 16
- Peitgen, H-O., Hartmut, J., and Saupe, D.:
Chaos and Fractals. New Frontiers of Science, Springer, New York
- 17
- Peigné, Marc : Iterated Function Systems and
spectral decomposition of the associated Markov operator,
Preprint U.R.A. C.N.R.S. 305, Prépublication 93 -24, Novembre
- 18
- Casati G.: "Quantum mechanics and chaos", in: Chaos and Quantum Physics, eds. M. J. Gianoni, A. Voros
and J. Zinn-Justin, North Holland, 1991
- 19
- Casati, G., Maspero, G., and D. L.
Shepelyansky, "Quantum fractal eigenstates", Physica D 131
(1999), pp. 311-316
- 20
- Ph. Blanchard, A. Jadczyk, A. Ruschhaupt, "How Events
did come into beeing: EEQT, Particle Tracks, Quantum Chaos, and
Tunneling Time", in Mysteries, Puzzles and Paradoxes in
Quantum Mechanics , Rodolfo Bonifacio, Ed., Woodbury, NY:
American Institute of Physics, 1999, [AIP Conference Proceedings,
no. 461], J. Mod. Opt. 47 (2000), 2247-2263, quant-ph/9911113
review paper: particle tracks, GRW, Born's interpretation,
tunneling time, quantum fractals - the tetrahedron model.)
- 21
- Jadczyk, A., Kondrat, G. and Olkiewicz, R. : "On
uniqueness of the jump process in quantum measurement theory" ,
J. Phys. A 30 (1996) 1-18, quant-ph/9512002 //
- 23
- Jadczyk, A.: `IFS Signatures of Quantum States', IFT Uni Wroclaw,
internal report, September 1993.
- 24
- Blanchard, Ph., Jadczyk, A., and Olkiewicz, R.: `
Completely Mixing Quantum Open Systems and Quantum Fractals',
Physica D 148 (2001) pp. 227-241, quant-ph/9909085
(Quantum fractals from simultaneous measurement of noncommuting
- 25
- Jastrzebski G.: Interacting classical and quantum systems. Chaos from
quantum measurements, Ph. D. thesis, University of Wroc
aw (in
Polish), 1996