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10. Detectors

A detector is represented by a two-state classical system. It can be in one of the two states, denoted $0$ and $1$. We will assume that it can "flip" from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 when coupled to a quantum spin. Each flip represents an event; specifically: a detection event. The interpretation is that when the detector flips, the experimental question "is the spin oriented along the vector ${\bf n}$?" gets an affirmative answer. Note that ${\bf n}$ and $-{\bf n}$ are two different experimental questions. They corresponds to two opposite spin directions.

A realistic detector should also exhibit a relaxation time, that is, after each flip it should take some time before it is ready to flip again. We could easily model this phenomenon in our model, but here we are interested in patterns that are created, not in the timing of its appearance . Acknowledgements
One of us (A.J) would like to thank L.K-J for invaluable help.
