Here is a complete list of AIAS papers published to date. There are
many other papers
published in my own name on B(3), many debate papers and many papers
submitted for publication.
The B(3) and debate papers are listed in the Science Citation Index.
I think it is a good idea to get
together all the B(3) papers from an ISI (science citation index) search
engine, 1992 to present.
Perhaps other members of AIAS could help with this. An attachment to
this document lists 21 honors
and awards received in 1999, and over sixty in total.
Papers from Inception (1998) of AIAS, (Alpha Foundation Institute for
Advanced Study).
1) M. W. Evans and L. B. Crowell, "Charge Conjugation and the
B(3) Field, A Reply to Comay", Found.
Phys. Lett., 11, 601 (1998).
2) M. W. Evans and L. B. Crowell, "Electron and Proton Spin Resonance
Induced by Circularly
Polarized Radiation", Apeiron, 5, 165 (1998).
3) L. B. Crowell and M. W. Evans, "SU(2) x SU(2) Electroweak Theory
I: The B(3) Field on the Physical
Vacuum", Found. Phys. Lett., 12, 373 (1999).
4) L. B. Crowell and M. W. Evans, "SU(2) x SU(2) Electroweak Theory
2: Chiral and Vector Fields on the
Physical Vacuum", Found. Phys. Lett., 12, 475 (1999).
5) L. B. Crowell et al., AIAS group paper, "Non-Abelian SU(2) x
SU(2) Electroweak Theory in LEP1 Data
on Z Particle Production", Found. Phys. Lett., in press, (2000).
6) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group Paper, "Inconsistencies of the
U(1) Theory of Electrodynamics: Stress
Energy Momentum tensor", Found. Phys. Lett., 12, 187 (1999).
7) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group Paper, " Self Inconsistencies
of the U(1) Theory of Electrodynamics:
Michelson Interferometry", Found. Phys. Lett., 12, 579 (1999).
7) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group Paper, "Interferometry in Higher
Symmetry Forms of Electrodynamics
and Physical Optics", Physica Scripta, 61, 79 (2000).
9) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group Paper, "On the Nature of the
B(3) Field", Physica Scripta, 61, 287 (2000)
10) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group Paper, "Ultra High Frequency
Fermion Resonance Induced by
Circularly Polarized Radiation: The Resonance Inverse Faraday Effect",
Frontier Perspectives, 8(2), 15
11) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group Paper, "Equations of the Yang-Mills
Theory of Classical
Electrodynamics", Optik, 111, 53 (2000).
12) M. W. Evans, "O(3) Electrodynamics, a Second Reply to Hunter",
Apeiron, Spring, 2000, in press.
13) M. W. Evans, Comments on Comay and Dvoeglazov: Apeiron, Spring,
2000, in press.
14) M. W. Evans et al., "Beltrami Vector Fields in Non-Abelian
Electrodynamics", Found. Phys., in press,
15) M. W. Evans and C. Roy Keys, Editors, "The New Electrodynamics",
Apeiron, Spring, 2000.
16) AIAS Group, Special Issue of "J. New Energy", collection
of over fifty papers, in press (2000).
17) M. W. Evans, "O(3) Electrodynamics", a review of 250 pages
in M. W. Evans, (ed.), "Contemporary
Optics and Electrodynamics", a special topical issue of I. Prigogine
and S. A. Rice, (series eds.),
"Advances in Chemical Physics" (Wiley, New York, 2001, in
prep.), vol. 114(2); preprint available on the
U. S. Department of Energy website
This is the second edition
of M. W. Evans and S. Kielich (eds.), "Modern Nonlinear Optics",
a special topical issue of I. Prigogine
and S. A. Rice (series eds.), "Advances in Chemical Physics",
(Wiley, New York, 1992, 1993, 1997
vol. 85, of which vol. 85(2) contains material on B(3).
18) S. Jeffers, J.-P. Vigier and M. W. Evans, "Current Status of
the Quantum Theory of Light:, in ref. (17),
vol. 114(3), in prep. The complete list of Vigier's papers in this review
is endorsed by the Royal
Swedish Academy, a unique recognition of Vigier's work, 1946 to present.
19) The U. S. Department of Energy website http:///
contains many of
the AIAS papers and will shortly carry a preprint of ref. (17) until
publication occurs in 2001.
20) M. W. Evans, "O(3) Electrodynamics", volume five of "The
Enigmatic Photon", (Kluwer, Dordrecht,
21) M. W. Evans and L. B. Crowell, "Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B(3) Field",
(World Scientific, Singapore, 2000).
22) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group paper, "O(3) Electrodynamics",
plenary paper for Science 2000,
Petrograd, Russia, (2000).
23) L. B. Crowell, "Generalized Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime", Found. Phys. Lett., 12, 585
24) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group paper, "Derivation of the Lehnert
Field Equations from Gauge Theory in the Vacuum: Space Charge and Current",
Found. Phys. Lett., in press (2000).
Papers Submitted / in press
There are many papers under consideration in Optik, Physica Scripta,
Phys. Rev. A, Found.
Phys., and Found. Phys. Lett. at present. In Found. Phys. and Found.
Phys. Lett., several have been
approved by one referee, and awaiting second referee.
25) M. W. Evans et al. AIAS paper, "Runaway Solutions of the Lehnert
Equations: The Possibility of Extracting Energy from the Vacuum",
submitted, ref 99-222.
26) M. W. Evans et al. AIAS paper "On the Representation of the
Heaviside Equations in terms of the Barut field four vector", Optik,
submitted, ref. 99-210.
27) M. W. Evans et al. AIAS paper "Inconsistencies of the U(1)
of Electrodynamics: The Compton Effect", Found. Phys. Lett., submitted.
28) L. B. Crowell et al., AIAS paper, "Reciprocal Frequency Noise
Explained by Higher Symmetry Electrodynamics." Found. Phys. Lett.,
29) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS paper, "Fermion Resonance Induced
Circularly Polarized Microwave Radiation without a Permanent Magnetic
Field", Phys. Rev. A, submitted.
30) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS paper, "Operator Derivation of the
Invariant Proca Equation, Lehnert Equation, and Elimination of the
Lorenz Condition.", Found. Phys., in press.
31) M. W. Evans, T. E. Bearden et al., AIAS Paper, "Energy from
Vacuum", Phys. Scripta, submitted, tracking no. 9080.
32) L. B. Crowell, "Unruh Effect as a Source of QCD Confinement
at Low
Energy: A Phenomenological Study.", Found. Phys. Lett., submitted.
33) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group paper, "Beltrami Vector Fields
in Non-Abelian Electrodynamics", Found. Phys., submitted, passed
34) Several papers on the Whittaker representation submitted to Found.
Phys., included in the J. New Energy Collection.
35) "O(3) Electrodynamics", Physica Scripta, tracking number
36) Vacuum Energy Flow and Poynting Vector", Physica Scripta,
tracking number 9077.
37) "Derivation of a Locally Invariant Proca Equation from U(1)
O(3) Gauge Theory Applied to Vacuum Electrodynamics: Acquisition of
Photon Mass and rest Energy from the Vacuum", Physica Scripta,
tracking number 9116.
38) "Schrodinger Equation with a Higgs Mechanism: Inherent Vacuum
Found. Phys., submitted.
39) "Classical Electrodynamics without the Lorenz Condition, Extracting
Energy from the Vacuum", Phys. Scripta. MS No. 7298, submitted
20th Oct.,
1999, in press, (2000).
40) "Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking as the Source of The Electromagnetic
Field", Found. Phys. Lett., submitted.
41) M. W. Evans et a., AIAS Group paper, "Operator Derivation of
the Gauge
Invariant Proca Equation, Lehnert Equation, and Elimination of the
Lorenz Condition." Found. Phys., in press (2000).
42) M. W. Evans et al., AIAS Group paper, "O(3) Invariance of the
Bohm Effect", Physica A, submitted.
Other papers are included in the J. New Energy Special Issue and in
package prepared by Alain.
Books on B(3) Theory and O(3) Electrodynamics.
1) M. W. Evans, "The Photon's Magnetic Field" (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1992).
2) M. W. Evans and S. Kielich (ed.), "Modern Nonlinear Optics",
(Wiley, New York, 1992, 1993, 1997,
3) M. W. Evans and A. A. Hasanein, "The Photomagneton in Quantum
Field Theory", (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1994).
4) M. W. Evans, J.-P. Vigier, S. Roy and S. Jeffers, "The Enigmatic
Photon", (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995 to
1999), in five volumes.
5) M. W. Evans and L. B. Crowell, "Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
and the B(3) Field", (World
Scientific, Singapore, 2000).
6) M. W. Evans (ed.), "Contemporay Optics and Electrodynamics"
(Wiley, New York, 2001, in prep.) with
a unique endorsement for Vigier's collected papers from the Royal Swedish
Some Papers on B(3) pre-AIAS.
1) M. W. Evans, Physica B, 182, 227, 237 (1992); 183, 103 (1993).
2) M. W. Evans, Physica B, 190, 310 (1993).
3) M. W. Evans, F. Farahi and Y. Aktas, Theochem, 104, 47 (1993).
5) M. W. Evans and F. Farahi, J. Mol. Structure, 300, 435 (1993).
6) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 7, 67, 209, 427, 467, 577, 591 (1994).
7) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys., 24, 1519, 1671 (1994).
8) M. W. Evans, Physica A, 214, 605 (1995).
9) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys., 25, 175, 383 (1995).
10) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 8, 63, 83, 187, 253, 279, 359,
381, 459, 481, 563 (1995).
11) M. W. Evans, S. Roy and S. Jeffers, Il Nuovo Cim., 110B, 1473 (1995).
12) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 9, 61, 175, 191, 397, 463 (1996).
13) M. W. Evans and S. Jeffers, Found. Phys. Lett., 9, 587 (1996).
14) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys., 26, 1243 (1996).
15) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 10, 93, 255, 403, 487 (1997).
16) M. W. Evans and C. Roy Keys, Apeiron Special Issue, 1997 on the
B(3) Field.
17) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 11, 103 (1998).
18) A. E. Chubykalo, R. Smirnov-Rueda and M. W. Evans, Found. Phys.
Lett., 10, 93 (1997).
19) M. W. Evans, "Electrodynamics as a non-Abelian Gauge Field
Frontier Perspectives, 7(2), 7 (1998).
The Debate papers.
1) L. D. Barron replied to by M. W. Evans, Physica B, 190, 307, 310
2) A. Lakhtakia, Physica B, 191, 362 (1993); D. M. Grimes, ibid., page
367; A. D. Buckingham, and L..
Parlett, Science, 264, 1748 (1994); A. D. Buckingham, Science, 266,
665 (1994); replied to by M. W.
Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 8, 563 (1995).
3) A. Lakhtakia replied to by M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 8, 183,
187 (1995).
4) G. L. J. A. Rikken, replied to by M. W. Evans, Opt. Lett., 20, 846
(1995); Found. Phys. Lett., 9, 61
5) S. J. van Enk replied to by M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 9, 183,
191 (1996).
6) E. Comay replied to by M. W. Evans and S. Jeffers, Chem. Phys. Lett.,
261, 601 (1996); Found. Phys.
Lett., 9, 587 (1996).
7) E. Comay replied to by M. W. Evans, 10, 245, 255 (1997); commented
on by V. V. Dvoeglazov, Found.
Phys. Lett., 10, 383 (1997).
8) E. Comay replied to by M. W. Evans, Physica B, 222, 150 (1996); Found.
Phys. Lett., 10, 403 (1997).
9) M. Y. A. Raja, W. N. Sisk, M. Youssaf and D. Allen, Appl. Phys. Lett.,
67, 2123 (1995); M. Y. A. Raja, W.
N. Sisk, and D. Allen. Appl. Phys., B, 64, 79 (1997); replied to by
M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 10, 255
(1997) and Apeiron 4, 80 (1997).
10) E. Comay, Physica A, 242, 522 (1997), replied to by M. W. Evans
and L. B. Crowell, Found. Phys.
Lett., 11, 601 (1998).
11) M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., 12, 99 (1999), a comment on a paper
by Warren et al.
12) G. Hunter replied to by the AIAS Group, Chem. Phys., 222, 331 (1999);
Phys. Scripta, in press
13) G. Hunter replied to by M. W. Evans, Apeiron special issue, Spring,
2000, "The New
14) V. V. Dvoeglazov replied to by E. Comay, Apeiron, 6, 227, 233 (1999).
These papers and books contain many references to other papers and books
by other authors such as
T. W. Barrett, B. Lehnert and H. Harmuth on topologically based electrodynamics.
The pattern of debate
is one of repeated debate with one author (Evans). The O(3) electrodynamics
are homomorphic with
the Barrett electrodynamics, Lehnert electrodynamics and Harmuth electrodynamics.
It is therefore
concluded that the debate with one author (Evans), and lack of debate
with Barrett, Lehnert and
Harmuth is clear evidence of misplaced or unscholarly publishing. It
can be seen that the right of reply
by Evans was denied on several occasions, and that the critical papers
appeared in print on several
occasions without Evans' knowledge,a severe breach of scholarly etiquette.
The Physical Review
series has actually published many papers on what amounts to higher
symmetry electrodynamics, the
most famous being Yang and Mills in 1954.