- ...Theory
- This paper is dedicated to Klaus Hepp and to Walter Hunziker
on the occasion of their sixtieth anniversary
- ...Blanchard
e-mail: blanchard@physik.uni-bielefeld.de
- ...Jadczyk
e-mail: ajad@ift.uni.wroc.pl
- ...this:
- We use the method chosen by Galileo in his great book "Dialogues
Concerning Two New Sciences"[1]. Galileo is often refered to as the
founder of modern physics. The most far--reaching of his achievements was his
counsel's speech for mathematical rationalism against Aristotle's
logico--verbal approach, and his insistence for combining mathematical
analysis with experimentation.
In the dialog SG=Sagredo,
- ...EEQT
- Salviatti refers here to "Event Enhanced Quantum
Theory" of reference [6] - paper apparently well know to
the participants of the dialog.
- ...event.
- Heisenberg proposed the word "event" to replace the word
"measurement", the latter word carrying a suggestion of
human involvement.
- ...time.
- Cf. an illuminating discussion of this point
in [15,16].
- ....
- More
generally we would need two Hilbert spaces:
21#21 and 22#22 that can be different,
but for the present discussion we need not be pedantic, so we
will assume them to be identified.
- ...non-unitary
- Known in the literature
also under the name of "non-hermitian"
- ...follows.
- A mathematical theory of a counter that leads to an inhomogeneous
Poisson process, starting from formal postulates that
are different than ours was given almost fifty
years ago by Res Jost [21] .
- ...let
- From this
time on the subscript 113#113 may refer to either the initial state, as
in 114#114 or to free evolution, as in 115#115, or to initial state
evolving under free evolution. In case of confusion the actual meaning
should be derived from the context.
- ...a.
- The case of Hermitian singular delta--function perturbation was discussed
by many authors - see [23,24,25,26,27,28,29]
and references therein
- ...dimensionless,
- We should have 192#192
- ...nonlinearity.
- This is why our time observable
does not fall into the family analysed axiomatically by Kijowski [37].
- ...C.
- More comments in this direction can be found in
[6] and also under WWW address
of the Quantum Future Project: http://www.ift.uni.wroc.
pl/ 221#221ajad/qf.htm
Arkadiusz Jadczyk
Thu Feb 22 09:58:31 MET 1996