The Quantum Future Group was created by Arkadiusz Jadczyk and Laura Knight-Jadczyk with the support and assistance of graduate members of the Quantum Future School. The Quantum Future Group is focused on creating networks with other Knowledge seeking groups and institutions around the Globe. The Quantum Future Group is dedicated to research and education. It promotes an unbiased interdisciplinary approach, linking science, ethics and mysticism. Above all, the Quantum Future Group is dedicated to the principle that Knowledge Protects. Housed in a fifteenth century Chateau in the South of France, the Quantum Future Group has created an ideal environment in which to pursue research and education based on ethical shaping of the future, considering all variables including ethics of interhuman dynamics, respect for the environment, and the effect of technology on the environment. The Quantum Future Group fosters a dynamic of research supported inspirational learning, emphasizing interdisciplinary connections. This dynamic has been shown to be extremely effective when lectures are combined with ongoing discussions and roundtable meetings. In addition to residential activities, the Quantum Future Group also hosts Discussion Forums on the Internet. The Quantum Future Group is
a registered non-profit in the State of California. There were FIVE workshops in 2004. 2004 Workshop Memories: May, June, July, August and September. COME AND MEET AND LEARN AND GROW IN THE BEAUTIFUL MIDI-PYRENEES OF SOUTHERN FRANCE!!! FOLLOW US FOR